Just a basic easy summer look for a weekend trip to the movies. Top: Old Navy. City Shorts: Daisy Fuentes. Shoes: Restricted.

These last couple weeks have actually been pretty difficult for me. Two people have passed away and another person has been in the hospital in serious condition. Outside of a Sunday morning movie excursion, the weekend was spent at a wake and a hospital.
Though I didn’t know the two that passed away, they were both very significant to people very close to me.
For better or worse, I’m fairly good at putting my emotions on the backburner when I’m at work, etc… but it is truly heartbreaking to see people you love lose people they love, and to see others close to you struggling for their health.
As random as it seems, this blog has consistently served as an outlet for me and a source of encouragement. It’s a release of sorts to blog about fun lighthearted things like fashion to ease away from challenging (and sometimes heart wrenching) situations. To my readers - I truly love to get all of your comments and hear your thoughts, and it makes my day to be linked with such fabulous people.
Unfortunately, when I logged on to be encouraged this evening I was not only welcomed with one of the rare but memorable “you look horrible” comments, but also found that my photo was used on an online blog fashion magazine as a “fashion don’t”. Can you guess why? It was because I wasn’t wearing designer or high-end boutique clothing. The author stated that if you wear clothing items from places such as Target / Kohl’s, etc… you shouldn’t consider yourself fashionable.
While I appreciate that people will have varying views of what true fashion consists of, I would never steal a copyrighted picture and trash talk someone else’s wardrobe choices.
Let's be realistic - unless you've got money to burn or you’re in the fashion biz, most people don't spend hundreds/thousands of dollars for each of their clothing items. I’m a normal person working a normal job in a business casual environment, so don’t be shocked if you don’t see me in Dolce & Gabbana. I do visit high end, low end, vintage, boutiques, and the like – but don’t require one of any kind of store to be my only option.
Maybe I’m naive, but I would hope fashion lovers would support each other and recognize that we all will have different lifestyles and means of embracing fashion. I don't have to have the most expensive outfit in the room to feel good about myself and I can stand out from the crowd by using my imagination to mix and match things vs. buying a 1 of a kind pricey top.
I'm proud of my clothes and the way I look - if people think I'm unfashionable because I'm not in top designer brands, that's their issue, not mine.
Anyway – I’ll continue to enjoy the commentary and will keep smiling through the good and the bad.
In the meantime, thanks for the support and blogger love.
Yours truly - Londyn